9 August 2023

Telecare launches standalone specialist e-prescribing tool

digital health Technology

Specialists can now write their scripts using their mobile phone and offer their patients far more convenience in script access and delivery.

Earlier this week specialist virtual care provider Telecare officially launched an independent e-prescribing tool which offers any specialist or mobile operating doctor in the country the ability to e-prescribe from any location that has internet access without the need to first access a patient management system. 

RxPad is a standalone cloud-based secure e-prescription writer which can be downloaded on to any mobile smartphone and used anywhere that has internet access. 

It was originally developed by Telecare internally to support its rapidly expanding panel of more than 200 virtual specialist doctors who step in when patients aren’t able to access a specialist face-to-face due geographic or travel challenges, excess wait times or other access issues. 

Telecare founder Michael Wang said it soon became apparent that the tool they were building internally probably had a much wider application. So many specialists were still using paper scripts and, as they travelled so much between multiple consulting rooms, they did not have easy access to their patient management systems.   

According to Mr Wang, RxPad not only offers specialists the significantly increased convenience and efficiency of being able to send standard, streamlined and authority scripts anywhere from their mobile phone or iPad, but it creates significantly better options for script access and delivery for a specialist’s patients, making the specialist service much better from a patient perspective. 

Some advantages Telecare says RxPAD will provide a specialist over a paper script include: 

  • It is integrated with the eRx prescription delivery service so can produce both barcoded printed scripts as well as an electronic prescription token that can be sent by email or SMS to a patient, making it much more convenient for patients to access and collect scripts; 
  • It creates and retains patient profiles to make repeat scripts and custom patient scripts easier; 
  • Although it does not synchronise with a specialist PMS it can send an email to a PMS so the script is eventually logged into that PMS should that be needed by a practice; and,  
  • It keeps a record of all scripts and patient profiles which users can access and edit and cancel prescriptions if need be. 

Mr Wang told Dermatology Republic that the philosophy of Telecare is to build tools around being able to scale digital functionality, but make sure it builds them as far as it can around the way that doctors already do their work. 

“We’re not going to change the way they work,” he said. 

Specialists will be able to write unlimited scripts for $50 month or 30 scripts per month for $30. 

Interested doctors can register for a demonstration of the new app HERE

To sign into RxPad a specialist will need to use their Health Provider Identifier Organisation (HPI-O) number and then link Telecare’s contracted service provider (CSP number) to their organisation in PRODA.